One thing in common: Our love for writing (consultation and centers):

Inaugural European Writing Centers Association Summer Institute 2019

Originally published in the SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 issue of SCHREIBZENTRUM VIADRINA

Writing centers are popping up worldwide. As more and more institutions of higher education see the need to support writers, writing and writing to learn, they are opening writing centers. However, those tasked with trying to establish writing centers, most often have to learn their business by doing and in relative isolation.

To provide professionals and academics within Europe who are seeking to develop writing centers a sustained opportunity for professional development, the European Writing Centers Association offered its first Summer Institute August 19th-23rd at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in Germany, directly at the German-Polish border. Thirty participants from 16 different countries participated. They were invited and accompanied by five experienced Writing Center leaders from Germany, Ireland, and the USA.

Because a central aspect of writing center work is the philosophy of collaborative learning, the Summer Institute was designed to be a truly interactive and participatory learning experience. All topics were delivered to allow all participants to share knowledge and experiences with each other. Together with their leaders, they enhanced their understanding of the following topics:

.       Peer writing tutor education
.       Working with faculty and administration
.       Demonstrating impact: Writing center assessment and more
.       The Writing Center budget
.       Grant writing for writing center projects
.       Possible exchange programs (e.g. Erasmus)
.       Working with multilingual students
.       Writing center research and publication
.       Writing center sustainability

Participants also had ample time to network and to socialize as they walked together to our lodgings in a student hotel across the lovely Oder River that marks the border between Germany and Poland. They shared snacks from their home countries during our daily coffee breaks and spent time each day in small mentoring groups.

Collaboration on writing centre work

To celebrate our hard work at the closing of the Institute, participants created and staged writing circus characters in a Writers‘ Circus, “a very creative and great way to end our time together”, as a participant expressed it.

The feedback of participants was overwhelmingly positive and many expressed how they were looking forward not only to going back to their writing center work, but also to continuing the networking informally and through future summer institutes. The Summer Institute, one participant summarized, “showed me the incredible connections you make with people from all around the world, because we have that one thing in common: The love for writing – and writing consultations and centers!”

Feedback for European Writing Centers Summer Institute 2019

Annual Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Writing Research

Annual Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Writing Research

Save the dates! July 26 – August 7, 2020

Hanover, NH, USA

“The Summer Seminar was one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my career.” (previous participant)

A detailed announcement and the seminar application will be available by October 1st – applications due December 15th 2019—but here is a preview:

The 2020 Dartmouth Summer Seminar for Writing Research is designed for writing faculty from all types of higher education venues and contexts who are beginning to work on data-driven research about writing in a variety of higher education contexts, and who would like an intensive, high-powered two weeks to work on that research, review approaches and methods, consult directly with experts, and network long-term with a cohort of other researchers from around the world. Guided interaction about participants’ projects is offered in the months leading up to the Seminar. The Seminar itself offers a quiet, resource-rich environment, coursework, small-group discussion and exchange, individual consultation with Seminar leaders, time to work alone or in groups on research projects, and a concluding presentation to the group with feedback from team leaders. 

We encourage both individuals and research groups or teams to apply.

The Seminar coursework covers a range of topics, including data segmenting and coding, statistical analysis, effective literature reviews, research ethics, and so on. Special-interest topics are presented based on participants’ projects.

If you’ve been asking yourself any of the following questions, this is the seminar for you:

• How do I turn an interest into a viable data-driven investigation?

• I am very comfortable with my usual research approach, but would like to develop new data-driven research abilities; can you help? 

• What data do I collect for my research study? How do I collect them? 

• What should I look for when I analyze the data? What is the deeper phenomenon I am looking for? What is a good site for investigating it?

• I would like a writing research group within which to work—how can I find that?

• Everyone seems to be talking about “coding” these days—how can I learn more about it?

• What methods are the best for the questions I would like to answer?

• Where can I learn more about how to select a sample, how to create a worthwhile survey or interview, and how to calculate statistical significance?

• Should I conduct a pilot study first? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a pilot study (including funding)?

• Why does my research question keep changing?

• What’s the best way to present and publish my research?

Contact Christiane Donahue at Composition.Research.Seminar@Dartmouth.Edu with any questions. fffffffffffff

Blurring the Lines: Academic, Professional, and Popular Writing

Blurring the Lines: Academic, Professional, and Popular Writing
Fourth International IFAW Conference on Academic Writing
July 6-7, 2020

Conference Venue: MOFET, The Institute of Research,

Curriculum and Program Development for Teacher Education, Tel Aviv, Israel

See the full “Call for Proposals” in the attached PDF.

Further information about the conference (e.g., registration, accommodations) will soon be available on the conference website.

Questions can be addressed to:

Click here to submit an abstract

Monica Broido

Head of Writing Programs
Division of Languages

Webb Building, room 210

Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel               

